DIY (Do It Yourself) Lego Cufflinks

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So, my wedding is coming soon and I'm thinking of having a Lego Cufflink for the groom and groomsmen.
I decided to make the cufflinks myself. Most of the Do It Yourself tutorial are from US and since I'm in Australia, I will just let you know where I bought the stuffs
1. Lego Brick
We use Yellow colour bricks since it's my favourite colour
Bought total of 10  2x2 Bricks at the price of $1.95 from Ebay (store name: ibrickstore - based in Australia) - around 20 cents each
2. Silver Plated Flat Round Cufflinks 25x8 mm
Bought 5 pairs at the price of $4.44 from Ebay (store name: naturalgemstone2009 - based in China) - around 90 cents per pair
3. Epoxy Glue
Tried to look around for Epoxy Glue in Riot art and craft but can't find it, so I decided to just buy the glue from Ebay. I use E6000 at the price of $7.50 (store name: evercaremobi2014 - based in Australia)
The most expensive is the glue. Haha, but anyway we can keep it for other purposes
It's easy to make, we just need to make sure that the cufflink is clean and you can just glue them together. You have quite a bit of time to adjust the position and leave it dry for 24 hours.
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